Oracle Analytics Cloud vs. Oracle BI

September 28, 2021


Hello there! Are you wondering what's the difference between Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) and Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI)? You're in luck because today, we'll be comparing these two data analytics software, focusing on data visualization.

OAC and OBI are both popular software that businesses use for analyzing their data. However, one could be better than the other, depending on your organization's needs. In this blog post, we'll provide you with a factual, unbiased comparison between the two.


We understand that pricing is always an important consideration for businesses. So let's start with that aspect of the comparison.

Both OAC and OBI offer flexible pricing plans that vary depending on your organization's size and requirements. However, based on their pricing pages, we can see that OAC is more expensive than OBI.

For example, OAC's standard edition costs $2,000/month for up to 10 users. Meanwhile, OBI's standard edition costs $1,700/month for up to 10 users. If you have more than 10 users, both OAC and OBI will offer custom pricing.

Data Visualization

Now, let's focus on data visualization, which is the main topic of our comparison. Both OAC and OBI offer excellent data visualization tools that allow users to create beautiful and informative charts, graphs, and dashboards.

However, OAC uses machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to offer smarter and more intuitive visualization and analysis tools. This means that OAC can provide insights and predictions automatically, making the data analysis process faster and more accurate.

On the other hand, OBI offers more traditional data visualization tools that are still highly effective. The software comes with a wide range of visualizations that users can customize to fit their needs. OBI also offers integration with Oracle BI Publisher, allowing users to create interactive reports and schedules.

User Interface

When it comes to user interface, both OAC and OBI are highly intuitive and user-friendly. However, OAC has a more modern and streamlined interface, which is designed to help users find the data they need quickly and efficiently.

OAC's interface includes a highly visual, drag-and-drop dashboard creation tool, making it easy for beginners to start creating informative dashboards without a steep learning curve.

On the other hand, OBI's interface has more of an old-school feel, but it's still straightforward and easy to use.


In summary, both OAC and OBI are excellent data analytics software that offer exceptional data visualization tools. However, they differ in their pricing, data visualization capabilities, and user interface.

If your organization needs a more intuitive, smarter, and more modern data analytics software, then OAC may be the better option. However, if you want a more traditional data analytics software that still offers highly effective data visualization tools, then OBI may be the better choice.

We hope this comparison has helped you make a more informed decision. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.


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